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🎉Re:Earth v0.6.0 has been released!

· 2 min read
Basel Issmail

New Features

  • Assets infinite scroll, sort, and filter


    Adds the ability to infinite scroll inside the assets modal and project list, so users can now display all assets items.

    Developed by: @Kyle Waite, @Yasser Ka

  • Re:Earth's built-in authentication feature is available!

    This eliminates the need to set up Auth0 and allows anyone to run Re:Earth with zero configuration! This will also allow sign-up and login only at Re:Earth.

    Note: This feature is not intended for use in a production environment. Please use Auth0 or other IDaaS in a production environment.

    Developed by: @Kyle Waite, @Yasser Ka

  • Supports authentication by any OpenID Connect provider

    In addition to Auth0, you can now log in to your Re:Earth account using any OpenID Connect compliant server, e.g. AWS Cognito. To enable this feature, environment variables should be set and prior sign-up is required. For details, see documentation.

    Developed by: @rot 1024

  • Plugin editor (beta)


    An editor is now available that allows you to try out the source code of plug-ins on the fly. Access <Re:Earth domain>/plugin-editor to view it.

    Note: This feature is in beta and experimental.

    Developed by: @Kyle Waite

  • Add a plugin API to resize iframe by plugins

    The plugin API has been extended to resize custom widgets occupied areas.

    • reearth.ui.resize(width: number | string | undefined, height: number | string | undefined, extended?: boolean)

    • string, options?: { width?: number | string; height?: number | string; extended?: boolean; })

      Note: developer documentation for the plugin is under development.

      Developed by: @rot 1024

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to type RGBA values in the color field in the property panel

    Developed by: @Kyle Waite

  • Widget layout collapse

    Developed by: @Kyle Waite

  • Cannot select layers that activate the infobox mask

    Developed by: @Basel Issmail


  • Upgraded dependencies

    Cesium has been upgraded to v1.91.0

    Developed by: @Basel Issmail, @Yasser Ka