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🎉Re:Earth v0.8.0 has been released!

· 3 min read

New Features

  • Add scene property overriding to Re:Earth API


    To extend the abilities and possibilities of plugin development, the scene property is able to be overridden by a plugin (ex. for Cesium, skybox can be triggered, atmospheric conditions can be changed, etc by plugins).

    So we Added an overridePropertymethod to ReEarth API. This allows plugins to target specific scene property fields and modify them ephemerally (temporarily).

    Now do a merge to sceneProperty. If no overriddenSceneProperty will return the project's sceneProperty. If something is overridden, it'll merge into the project's.

    Developed by: Kyle Waite
    Designed by: Kyle Waite
    Special thanks: rot 1024

  • Basic Timeline feature

    Now we can open a Cesium-style timeline in our system! In the future, we will also update the design and usage for this timeline feature.

    Designed by: rot 1024
    Developed by: rot 1024

  • Switch 3D, 2D, and Columbus View (2.5D)

    Now, Re:Earth can support 2D and 2.5D views for Scene! You just need to choose Scene mode in the right pannel and enjoy.

    Designed by: Red, Shaun
    Developed by: Shaun
    Special thanks: Kyle Waite, Hidemichi Baba, rot 1024


Some features may not be shared through the three views. For example, camera height and pose will not be available in the 2D view. But most functions work well.

  • Infinite Scroll for project list

    Now on the Dashboard and projects for setting page, the system supports infinite Scroll for project cards. It helps reduce the number of requests from the front end to the back end and improves system performance.

    Designed by: Red, nour Al Ali
    Developed by: nour Al Ali
    Special thanks: Kyle Waite


  • refactor: migrate to react-intl from react-i18next

    We replaced react-intl with react-i18next. And We removed react-intl pkg. Now when developers want to translate the text, please follow this guide

    Developed by: @Keiya Sasaki

Bug Fixes

  • fix: plugin API cameramove event is not emitted in published pages

    Developed by: rot 1024

  • fix: dataset counts are displayed incorrectly in dataset panel


    Developed by: Keiya Sasaki

  • fix: iframe not correctly sizing to plugin

    The iframe for plugins was either too big or too small, not adhering to width and height set by the plugin itself. This fixes that and also re-adds the plugin link to the project menu in the center of the header.

    Developed by: Kyle Waite

  • fix: plugin API cameramove event is not emitted in published pages

    Developed by: rot 1024

  • fix: labeling hidden by marker symbol


    Developed by: Balaha Nour

  • fix: vertical position style in infobox image block


    Developed by: Keiya Sasaki


  • Upgraded dependencies

    Back-end developed by: Yasser Ka